Our members
IDEAS is a network of organisations and individuals across Scotland involved in Global Citizenship Education.
We believe that young people gain important skills, values and understanding through good Global Citizenship Education (GCE). And we believe that a well networked GCE sector can support teachers and policy makers to deliver the best possible GCE in our schools, growing globally minded, informed and active citizens and communities. Our role as a network is to enable relationships, share learning and advocate for best practice.
Members include large NGOs, small organisations and individuals working in areas such as international development, global poverty, sustainable development, social justice and citizenship. They also include the regionally based Development Education Centres (DECs) who provide local practical teacher support.
Our network brings together diverse groups in a way that benefits everyone. Large NGOs gain access to a wider audience for their resources and can achieve more with limited staff input through working with partners in the sector. Small DECs have been strengthened by NGO advocacy and connections. They are adaptable and able to scale up to deliver larger projects and support NGOs. Other members have an indirect connection to GCE but gain through IDEAS’ communications, while offering connection to other relevant networks.
Interested in becoming a member of IDEAS?
Scotland-Malawi Partnership
Oxfam Scotland
Aberdeen for a Fairer World (Montgomery DEC)
Rainbow Turtle
Eco-Schools Scotland
Woodcraft Folk Scotland
Signpost International
Highland One World
Take One Action
Scotland's International Development Alliance
Scottish Fair Trade Forum
Social Enterprise Academy Scotland
One World Centre Dundee

Christian Aid Scotland
May Peace Prevail on Earth International
Quakers in Scotland