IDEAS Member Spotlight: Scottish Fair Trade Forum
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is Scotland’s Fair Trade Network. They
contribute to building a just, equitable and sustainable world by supporting Scotland to remain a vibrant Fair Trade Nation and working to embed the principles of Fair Trade in all aspects of Scottish society.
Engagement and Communications Officer Catherine Newman talks to us about what being a global citizen means to them and shared how the Scottish Fair Trade Forum champion Global Citizenship Education through their work.
What does being a global citizen mean to you?
For me, being a global citizen is about making sure I’m aware of what’s going on in the world. It’s about understanding the causes of trade, climate and social injustices, and then informing others and campaigning for a fairer, more sustainable and peaceful world.
Why do you personally think Global Citizenship Education is important?
It’s essential as we need our young people to not only be aware of global issues but to care enough about global inequalities and injustices and have the capacity to demand change.
How does your organisation champion Global Citizenship Education?
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum provides a platform for the voices of farmers, workers and producers who are dealing with the impact of trade and climate injustice on their livelihoods. We do this through our events and other communications and in our work with schools in partnership with Scotland’s network of Development Education Centres.
What do you think Scotland's future would look like if GCE was embraced by all of our schools?
We’d have a few more Greta Thunbergs! If young people learned more about global issues in schools and understood why such inequalities exist, we’d have many more global citizens prepared to campaign for change. Scotland’s future could be more sustainable, greener and fairer where global injustices are not tolerated. Our citizens would respect and care for all people and the planet, and would lead the way in building a just, equitable and sustainable world.